Kashmiri Style Nadir Monjvor Recipe - Lotus Stem Cutlets

 These cuisines differ from one another mostly owing to the usage of locally available spices, herbs, vegetables, and fruits, as well as differences in soil type, climate, culture, ethnic group, and occupation. Religious and cultural decisions and customs have an impact on Indian cuisine.
Kashmiri cuisine is inspired by border nations since it was formerly part of the silk route, which sent a large number of people through for commerce. 
A Kashmiri dish comprised of lotus stem and yam that is spicy. an unusual mix of ingredients, but a delicious snack that goes well with a cup of hot chai



·         Lotus stem - 200 gms 

·         Yam - 500 gms

·         Coriander seeds- 1 tsp

·         Fennel-1 tsp

·         Onion- 2 finely chopped

·         Green chillies- 2 finely chopped

·         Ginger -1/2 inch grated

·         Garlic- 3/4 cloves crushed

·         Coriander leaves- 1 cup

·         Salt to taste

·         Kashmiri chilli -1 tsp

·         Garam masala -1 1/2 tsp

·         Dry ginger powder - 1/2 tsp

·         Chat masala - 1 tsp

·         Potato starch - 1 cup

·         Bread crumbs - 2 fresh breads ground



·         Coarse grind coriander seed and fennel seed to add to the culet in mortar and pestle

·         Pressure cook yam till it becomes soft.

·         Transfer to a bowl and mash well.

·         Add the chopped lotus stem to the mixture

·         Add the remaining wet ingredients to this mixture along with crushed fennel and coriander and mix well

·         Now add all the dry ingredients.

·         Mix all the ingredients together well and check for salt.

·         Do not add water to this mix

·         Mixture should look like this

·         Shape them to a medium sized cutlet

·         Cling wrap and let it to rest for half hour in the fridge

·         In a pan heat some oil and add the cutlets

·         Fry till it is golden brown and well-cooked on both sides

·         Kashmiri style nadir monjvor is ready.

·         Serve with mint chutney.
